The Stringybark Open Award 2025

is now closed.

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Pay Feedback Fee

Please pay by direct deposit (preferred) to:

Bank: Bendigo Bank

BSB: 633-000

Account: 140131988

Account Name: David Vernon

Your ref: Your surname


Purchase via PayPal by clicking the  feedback button below and selecting the number you are purchasing.

Receiving Feedback

We are delighted to offer feedback for authors for their submitted entries at a cost of $18.00 per entry.

What we offer

Collating feedback from all the judges takes quite a bit of time and therefore there is an additional fee for feedback.  For your money, you will receive:

     1. A scoring sheet that indicates each judge’s rating of your story on all eight                                         criteria;


     2.  A brief commentary on the main strengths and weaknesses of your story. This will be about 100 - 150 words; and


     3. An explanation of the judging criteria, so you can better understand what judges look for.

Highest scores computer graphic

How to seek feedback

You may request feedback at the time of entering or any time up to one month after the competition winners and highly commended stories are announced.

To receive your feedback:

1. Pay the feedback fee (see pane to the right)

2. Email stating that you have paid the fee and you would like feedback on your story.  You must include:

★Your name

★Your email address

★The competition entered

★The name of your story

Your feedback will be received within forty-five days of the competition results being announced or your payment being received (whichever is the latter).

If you have any questions or comments about this process, please email us at:

What authors are saying about our feedback

"I am so grateful for feedback from someone who doesn't love me." — Leanne Coleman, Author

Thank you for the feedback.  It was well structured and informative.  A great yardstick for formulating future short stories.

— Lorraine Hurst, Author

Thank you all so much for the feedback.  It was more informative than I could have imagined, and has given me lots of guiding ideas for my future writing.   It confirmed some areas where I suspected a weakness, but more importantly, gave me sufficient reason to continue my writing and strive for improvement.  The entire exercise has been well worthwhile.

— Marg Wilson, Writer

Thank you for very much for the feedback.  It is extremely useful as well as kindly and constructively phrased.

— Aislinn Michael, Writer

Thank you so much for the excellent feedback on my first writing effort... it was so helpful in many ways.  I was on the point of chucking it in the bin, but believe it or not, that critique was so encouraging.  Yes, I will certainly try again!

— Sarah Burton

I know you probably hear this all the time, but thank you for the feedback from the ‘twisted’ competition.  Incredibly helpful and encouraging … well done guys!

— Janet Lowe

Thank you so much for the feedback, it is much more than I had hoped for.  As a newbie to the writing game I found it a little daunting submitting the story to you.  I will definitely use the feedback to edit my piece and as a basis for other work as well.  Thank you for the opportunity.

— Pauline McLay

Thank you for your feedback on my two stories entered in the Twisted Stringybark contest.  I found your comments very useful and insightful — ouch! ;  ) I had been feeling rather defeated by these stories but am now somewhat strengthened to rework them.  Until my next story attempt, thanks again.

— Elizabeth Reichardt, Writer

Thanks for this feedback.  It’s a great service - not to mention a bargain!  In fact the availability of the feedback (and the specific comments on my story) provide an incentive to enter into Stringybark competitions - as opposed to others - in the future. While writing groups and my own speculation/analysis can give me some insight, these comments showed me something different entirely, about both the content of my story and the dynamics of judging.  I really appreciate the effort you made to provide positive feedback too. Regards and all the best and thanks again (especially if you were not judge 3!)

— Alexis Hailstones

Thank you so much for your response, it was very enlightening and far more detailed than I was expecting so I am really appreciative of the time you have taken in replying.  It has made me feel better about my story and I will definitely be working on more to send in.

— Tania Connolly

Thank you so much for the feedback. This is only the second story I have written and the second I have entered in a Stringybark competition! Both times I have paid for feedback and it is well worth the fee. The feedback provided by the judges is both constructive and encouraging. I am grateful that you offer this service to writers and it is one of the reasons Stringybark competitions are so appealing.

— Sharee Hodge

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