Stringybark Times Past Award 2024


Into the Darkness


Our Lancaster raced over the perimeter track and then tore down the slope through the dispersal area... with its wheels thumping on the grass but still firmly on the ground. It now seemed that nothing could save us and that, in the next couple of moments, we would disappear in a great explosion.  I could hear Bob saying “Get off the ground, you bastard, get off,” while Harry just said nothing...

Into the Darkness is the true story of a young  Australian  thown into the crucible of the air war over Europe.  Navigator, Arthur Hoyle, discovers the excitement,  the comraderie and the fear of being part of Bomber Command.  Intelligently written this book dramatically recreates the the trials of air crews over the dark skies of Europe — where the chance of surviving the full ‘tour’ was very low.  Close to half of all Bomber Command crew who took off into the darkness never returned.

by Arthur Hoyle DFC, edited by David Vernon, 168 pages, paperback with colour & black and white photographs and e-book

Stringybark Publishing, ISBN: 978-0-9870922-7-4

$24.95 includes postage within Australia.  Discounts for multiple purchases.

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