Stringybark Open Award 2025

Now Accepting Entries

Stocking Stuffers

How does five different Stringybark anthologies for $30, including postage sound?  This is up to 66% off the cover price of a book. Read them yourself or stuff someone’s stocking with them, or hand them around to work mates and get them off Tik Tok. “What’s the catch?” I hear you cry. The catch is you don’t get to choose. Oh, and Small Things, Feral, Blue Dragon and Crowd-Surfing are excluded from the offer. Buy a stocking stuffer special and we will choose five different anthologies and stuff them into an Australia Post satchel and get them to you in time for Christmas.

What a deal for all of us. You get a great read and we get to clear some of our back catalogue to give us space for future anthologies.

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